HelloAPI Header File#


OpenGL Unsigned Integers and Unsigned Bytes are used in the following code snippets.

 \File         OpenGLESHelloAPI.h
 \Title        OpenGL ES Hello API Header
 \Author       PowerVR by Imagination, Developer Technology Team.
 \Copyright    Copyright(c) Imagination Technologies Limited.
 \brief        Header file for OpenGLESHelloAPI class.
 #pragma once

 #include <DynamicGles.h>
 #include <vector>

 #if defined(SUPPORT_X11)
 #include "X11/Xlib.h"
 #include "X11/Xutil.h"

 #if defined(SUPPORT_WAYLAND)
 #include <wayland-client.h>
 #include <wayland-server.h>
 #include <wayland-egl.h>
 #include <linux/input.h>

 #if defined(__GBM__)
 #include <xf86drm.h>
 #include <xf86drmMode.h>
 #include <gbm.h>

SurfaceData is dependent on platform, so check which platform is currently being used, then define appropriate surface data.

struct SurfaceData
   float width = 1280.0f, height = 800.0f;

#if defined(_Win32)
   HDC deviceContext = NULL;
   HWND window = NULL;
#elif defined(ANDROID) || (__ANDROID__)
   ANativeWindow* window;
   EGLNativeDisplayType deviceContext = 0;
#elif defined(APPLE) || defined(SUPPORT_APPLE)
   int deviceContext = (EGLNativeDisplayType)0;
   void* window = NULL;
#elif defined(SUPPORT_X11)
   Display* deviceContext = 0;
   Window window = NULL;
#elif defined(SUPPORT_WAYLAND)
   wl_display* deviceContext = NULL;
   wl_egl_window* window = NULL;
#elif defined(__GBM__)
   gbm_device* deviceContext = NULL;
   gbm_surface* window = NULL;
#else // NullWS
   EGLNativeDisplayType deviceContext = (EGLNativeDisplayType)0;
   EGLNativeWindowType window = (EGLNativeWindowType)0;
   SurfaceData() = default;

static const char* procAddressMessageTypes[] = {
   "ERROR: ",

inline void logOutput(bool error, const char* const formatString, va_list argumentList)
#if defined(__ANDROID__)


There may be issues displaying 64bit values with this function.

This function will truncate long messages.

   __android_log_vprint(error ? ANDROID_LOG_ERROR : ANDROID_LOG_INFO, "com.powervr.Example", formatString, argumentList);
#elif defined(__QNXNTO__)
   vslogf(1, error ? _SLOG_INFO : _SLOG_ERROR, formatString, argumentList);
#else // Not android Not QNX
   FILE* logfile = fopen("Log.txt", "w");
   static char buffer[4096];
   va_list tempList;
   memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer));
#if (defined _MSC_VER) // Pre VS2013
   tempList = argumentList;
   va_copy(tempList, argumentList);

   vsnprintf(buffer, 4095, formatString, argumentList);
   fprintf(logfile, "%s%s\n", procAddressMessageTypes[(int)error], buffer);
#if defined(_WIN32)

   if (IsDebuggerPresent())
       printf("%s%s\n", procAddressMessageTypes[error], buffer);

inline void Log(bool error, const char* const formatString, ...)
   va_list argumentList;
   va_start(argumentList, formatString);
   logOutput(error, formatString, argumentList);

glm includes for matrix and transformation calculations

#include "../../../external/glm/glm.hpp"
#include "../../../external/glm/gtc/type_ptr.hpp"
#include "../../../external/glm/gtx/transform.hpp"

Image data

#define imageWidth 256
#define imageHeight 256

class OpenGLESAPI

Functions used to set up EGL state.

bool createEGLDisplay();
bool chooseEGLConfig(EGLConfig& config);
bool createEGLSurface(EGLConfig config);
bool setupEGLContext(EGLConfig config, EGLContext& context);

Handles for the two shaders used to draw the triangle, and the program handle which combines them.

GLuint _fragmentShader, _vertexShader;
GLuint _shaderProgram;

A vertex buffer object to store the model data.

GLuint _vertexBuffer;

Handle to the texture used in application.

GLuint _texture;

Index to bind the attributes to vertex shaders.

const unsigned int _vertexArray = 0;
const unsigned int _textureArray = 1;

Count rotation angle.

float _angle;

OpenGL ES initialisation functions.

void generateTextureData();
bool initializeTexture();
bool initializeShaders();
bool initializeBuffer();

Error check functions.

bool test-egl-error(SurfaceData surfaceData, const char* functionLastCalled);
bool test-gl-error(SurfaceData surfaceData, const char* functionLastCalled);

EGL objects are required to be permanent, for accessing in OpenGL ES functions.

   EGLSurface _eglSurface;
   EGLDisplay _eglDisplay;


Initialise EGL and GLES states.

bool initializeGLES();
bool initializeEGL();

Per frame render.

bool renderScene();
bool swapEGLBuffers();
bool drawFrame();

Release EGL state and objects.

void releaseEGLState();

De-initialise GL state and objects.

void releaseGLState();

Surface data relevant to current build platform.

SurfaceData _surfaceData;

Declaration of image data.

   GLubyte _image[imageWidth][imageHeight][4];