Configuring PVRRayTracingSimulation#

Assume that $PVRRSROOT is the absolute path to the directory where the files have been extracted.

  1. Ensure that the supplied layers are visible to the Vulkan loader. For example, you can set the VK_LAYER_PATH environment variable as follows:

    • On Windows set it to:

    • On GNU/Linux set it to:

  2. Enable the layers. For example, you can set the VK_INSTANCE_LAYERS environment variable.

    • On Windows, set it to:

    • On GNU/Linux, set it to:

  3. Set the VK_DEVSIM_FILENAME environment variable to the absolute path of the RayTracingPlatformCapabilities.json file.

    • On Windows, set it to:

    • On GNU/Linux, set it to:

  4. Run your Vulkan application.