
This guide should help improve understanding of the structure of a basic Vulkan application, as well as some of the core concepts and paradigms of the API. A rough understanding of Vulkan objects and how they interact throughout a graphics application should also have been gained.

The guide has made references to the HelloAPI example source code included with the PowerVR SDK, but a recommended next step would be to try and write another simple application with slightly different behaviour (or copy and modify the HelloAPI example) to explore how the various components behave. Using the Vulkan API will help provide a deeper understanding than simply reading this guide.

It is important to remember that this guide only serves as a starting point, and that the code shown here is a very simple application example; there are many more Vulkan features and techniques that are not covered.

All other SDK examples use the PowerVR Framework, namely PVRVk and PVRUtilsVK. These modules make many of the steps completed in this tutorial much easier and allow you to focus on more interesting stages of development. The IntroducingPVRVk example follows the same operations as HelloAPI, but uses the greatly simplified syntax of PVRVk.