Setting up a Project in macOS#

To set up a new project to run with PVRVFrame, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new makefile, adding source and include files as necessary.

  2. Link against the supplied libraries. For OpenGL ES 1.1 projects, you only need to link against libEGL.dylib and libGLESv1_CM.dylib. For OpenGL ES 2.0 and higher, link against libEGL.dylib and libGLESv2.dylib.

    The libraries for macOS supplied with PVRVFrame are found in Library/macOS_x86_64. They are:




    PVRVFrame driver file for EGL 1.4


    PVRVFrame driver file for OpenGL ES 1.1


    PVRVFrame driver file for OpenGL ES 2.0

  3. Run the following terminal command:

    export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=<lib folder>;$DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH

To check that the correct versions of the libraries are being used and that the location of these libraries is set correctly, run the following command on an application built against the PVRVFrame libraries:

otool -L <path to application>