Format: F16SOP jDest, kDest, movDest, jArgumentA, jArgumentE, jOp, jArgumentB, jArgumentF, kArgumentC, kArgumentG, kOp, kArgumentD, kArgumentH, movSource

Phase0: F16SOP W0{.E0|.E1}.jOut, (W0|W1){.E0|.E1}.kOut, (W1|_), Sn{.E0|.E1}{.NEG}, (Sn|0){.E0|.E1}{.ONEMINUS}, jOp, Sn{.E0|.E1}{.NEG}, (Sn|0){.E0|.E1}{.ONEMINUS}, Sn{.E0|.E1}{.NEG}, (Sn|0){.E0|.E1}{.ONEMINUS}, kOp, Sn{.E0|.E1}{.NEG}, (Sn|0){.E0|.E1}{.ONEMINUS}, (S3|_)

Phase1: -

Phase2: -

Description: 16-bit floating point sum of products, one source.

a, b, c, d = {S0, S1, S2, S3, S4, S5}.

z = min(s1, 1 - s0)

e, f, g, h = {S0, S1, S2, S3, S4, S5} or z.

v, w, x, y = {S0, S1, S2, S3, S4, S5}.

jop = any of {add, sub, min, max, rsub, mad}
kop = any of {add, sub, min, max, rsub}

if (jop == mad)
  W0.e0 = a*e+v
  W1.e0 = b*f+x
  W0.e1 = c*g+w
  W1.e1 = d*h+y
  j = (a * e) jop (b * f)
  k = (c * g) kop (d * h)

  if (rfmt(1) = 1)
    w1 = toF32([k)
    w0 = toF32([j)
  else if (rfmt(0) = 1) then
    w0[31:16] = one of {j, a, b}
    w0[15:0]  = one of {k, c, d}
    w0[31:16] = one of {k, c, d}
    w0[15:0]  = one of {j, a, b}


void main()
  mediump vec4 a16 = a;
  mediump vec4 b16 = b;
  mediump vec4 c16 = c;
  fragColor = a16 * b16 + c16;
2    : sop r0.joutj, sh4, i3, add, sh8, 0.oneminus
       sop r1.koutk, sh5, i1, add, i0, 0.oneminus