Instruction Modifiers#

Modifier Name



Take the absolute value.

See below this table for code examples.


Enable texture arrays.

See below this table for code examples.


Clamp is applied after absolute, but before negation.

Clamps value to range [+0,1].


Enable comparison filtering in TPU.


Direct DMA instruction, bypassing the main ALU pipeline


Element selector for operations that operate on types narrower than 32-bit. This will normally be preceded by the data type (f16 etc.).

For source, selects the part of the argument that forms an element.

For destination, broadcasts the result to these elements of destination.

Reads from: bits 0-7.


Reads from: bits 8-15.


Reads from: bits 16-23.


Reads from: bits 24-31.


Return packed F16 data.


Return packed F32 data.


Fixed point texture data, converted to floating point when returned to USC.

See below this table for code examples.


Take the floor part (before absolute/negate), NaN’s, +/-inf and +/-0.0f are all preserved.

See below this table for code examples.


[U], [V] , [S], [T] and [Q] Sample Data are treated as integers.


LOD Mode possible values: .BIAS, .REPLACE, or .GRADIENT.


Low Precision.



See below this table for code examples.


Non Normalised Coordinates.


x = 1 - x


Per Pixel LOD is enabled - only valid when LODM = Bias or Replace.


Per Pixel LOD is enabled - only valid when LODM = Bias or Replace


Round value to zero.


Saturate iterated coordinates to 0.0..1.0.

See below this table for code examples.


Sample Bypass Mode possible values: .DATA, .INFO, or .BOTH.

See below this table for code examples.


Sample Number is supplied.


Sample Offset is supplied.

See below this table for code examples.


Texture Address Override.


Data type possible values: .F32, .U16, .S16, .U8, .S8, .U32, or .S32.


Absolute modifier for the toF16 operand of the Z term.


Clamp bit for the toF16 operand of the Z term.

.ABS code example:

void main()
  fragmentColor = abs(a);
0  : mov ft0, sh0.abs
     mov ft1, sh1.abs
     mov r0, ft0;
     mov r1, ft1;

.ARRAY code example:

uniform highp sampler2DArray sampler;

void main()
    fragmentColor = texture(sampler,
                vec3(textureCoordinate, 0.0));
3    : smp2d.fcnorm.array drc0, sh4, r1, sh0, _, r0, 4;

.FCNORM code example:

void main()
   fragmentColor = texture(sampler,  ntextureCoordinate);
0    : (ignorepe)
   r0, 1, drc0, cf4, sh4, sh0, 4,

.FLR code example:

void main()
    fragmentColor =
0    : fadd ft0, sh0.flr, c0
       fadd ft1, sh1.flr, c0
       mov r0, ft0;
       mov r1, ft1;

.NEG code example:

void main()
    fragmentColor = -a;
0    : mov ft0, sh0.neg
       mov ft1, sh1.neg
       mov r0, ft0;
       mov r1, ft1;

.SAT code example:

void main()
    fragmentColor =
        clamp(a, 0.0, 1.0);
0    : fadd.sat ft0, sh0, c0
       fadd.sat ft1, sh1, c0
       mov r0, ft0;
       mov r1, ft1;

.SBMode code example:

uniform highp sampler2DShadow sampler;

void main()
    fragmentColor = vec4(texture(sampler,
11   : smp2d.fcnorm.both drc0, sh12, r1, sh4, _, r0, 1;

.SOO code example:

void main()
   fragmentColor =
     textureCoordinate, ivec2(1, 1));
9    : if(!p0)
  smp2d.fcnorm.soo drc0,
   sh8, r32, sh0, _, r0, 4;