Static Analysis Window#
On file load, the PVRCarbon GUI will statically analyse the recorded API calls looking to identify any issues with an application, such as inefficient or incorrect API usage. The results of this analysis are displayed in the Static Analysis window. This analysis is supported for Vulkan, OpenGL ES, and EGL calls.

The Level column describes the type and severity of the issue. There are three main types of issue:
Warning 1/2/3;
Errors are more serious than warnings and should be addressed as soon as possible. Warnings are graded based on their severity ranging from 1 (most important) to 3 (least important).
API errors indicate incorrect usage of the graphics API. These are usually accompanied by a message explaining the problem. For Vulkan these issues are caught by validation layers.
Shader errors highlight a problem with the shader code. These issues can usually be addressed by following the PowerVR Performance Recommendations.
The rules used for validation can be toggled from the Static Analysis Rules tab.