Refactoring Code#


Refactor code to:

  • Improve internal quality of your application

  • Improve performance and extensibility

  • Improve code readability and maintainability

  • Simplify code structure

Finding Symbols

To find instances of a specific symbol in your C++ project, place the cursor on the symbol in the editor and select Tools > C++ > Find References to Symbol Under Cursor or press Ctrl+Shift+U.

Note: You can also select Edit > Find/Replace > Advanced Find > C++ Symbols to search for classes, functions, enums, and declarations either from files listed as part of the project or from all files that are used by the code, such as include files.

Viewing Search Results

PVRStudio searches from the following locations:

  • Files listed as a part of the project

  • Files directly used by the project files (for example, generated files)

  • Header files of used frameworks and libraries

The Search Results pane shows the location and number of search hits in the current project.

You can browse the search results in the following ways:

  • To go directly to an instance, double-click the instance in the Search Results pane.

  • To move between instances, click the image:: images/next.png (Next Item) button and image:: images/prev.png (Previous Item) button in the Search Results pane.

  • To expand and collapse the list of all instances, click the image:: images/pvrstudio-expand.png (Expand All) button.

  • To clear the search results, click the image:: images/clean_pane_small.png (Clear) button.

  • To start a new search, click the image:: images/pvrstudio-new-search-icon.png (New Search) button.

Renaming Symbols

You can rename symbols in all files in a project. When you rename a class, you can also change filenames that match the class name.

To rename a specific symbol in a project, place the cursor on it and select Tools > C++ > Rename Symbol Under Cursor or press Ctrl+Shift+R.

The Search Results pane shows the location and number of instances of the symbol in the current project.


To replace all selected instances, enter the name of the new symbol in the Replace with text box, and select Replace. To omit an instance, deselect the check box next to the instance.

Note: This action replaces all selected instances of the symbol in all files listed in the Search Results pane. You cannot undo this action.

If the symbol is a class, select the Rename files check box to also change the filenames that match the class name.

Note: Renaming local symbols does not open the Search Results pane. The instances of the symbol are highlighted in code and you can edit the symbol. All instances of the local symbol are changed as you type.

Column Editing

To apply a change to several rows in a column simultaneously, press Alt, select the rows, and enter or remove text. The changes are made simultaneously at the cursor position on all the selected rows.

Applying Refactoring Actions

PVRStudio allows you to quickly and conveniently apply actions to refactor your code by selecting them in a context menu. The actions available depend on the position of the cursor in the code editor.

To apply refactoring actions to C++ code, right-click an operand, conditional statement, string, or name to open a context menu. In the context menu, select Refactoring and then select a refactoring action.

You can also press Alt+Enter to open a context menu that contains refactoring actions available in the current cursor position.

Refactoring C++ Code

You can apply the following types of refactoring actions to C++ code:

  • Change binary operands

  • Simplify if and while conditions (for example, move declarations out of if conditions)

  • Modify strings (for example, set the encoding for a string to Latin-1, mark strings translatable, and convert symbol names to camel case)

  • Create variable declarations

  • Create function declarations and definitions

The following table summarizes the refactoring actions for C++ code. The action is available when the cursor is in the position described in the Activation column.

Beautifying Source Code#

You can use the experimental Beautifier plugin to format your source code by using the following external tools:

The Beautifier plugin parses the source code into component structures, such as assignment statements, if blocks, loops, and so on, and formats them as specified in the Beautifier options. You can use a predefined style or define your own style.

To use the Beautifier plugin:

  1. Download and install the tool to use for formatting source code:

    You might have to build the tools from sources for some platforms.

  2. Select Help > About Plugins > C++ > Beautifier to enable the plugin.

  3. Restart PVRStudio to be able to use the plugin.

  4. Select Tools > Options > Beautifier to specify settings for beautifying files.

  5. Select the Enable auto format on file save check box to automatically beautify files when you save them using the tool you select in the Tool field.

  6. In the Restrict to MIME types field, define the MIME types of the files to beautify, separated by semicolons. Leave the field empty to apply the tool on all files.

    This setting is applied only when automatically beautifying files on save. To restrict the MIME types when selecting the menu item to format the currently open file, specify this option in the tool-specific tab.

  7. Select the Restrict to files contained in the current project check box to only beautify files that belong to the current project.

  8. Select Artistic Style, Clang Format, or Uncrustify to specify settings for the tool you want to use.

  9. In the Configuration group, specify the path to the tool executable in the Artistic Style command, Clang Format command, or Uncrustify command field.

  10. In the Restrict to MIME types field, define the MIME types of the files to beautify. This setting is applied when you select the menu item to format the currently open file.

  11. In the Options group, select the configuration file that defines the style to use in the source files. If you select several options, they are applied from top down. The available options depend on the tool.

    • Select the Use specific config file option to use the specified file as the configuration file for the selected tool. This option is available for Artistic Style and Uncrustify.

    • Select the Use file in $HOME option to use the specified file in the user’s home directory as the configuration file for the selected tool. This option is available for Artistic Style and Uncrustify.

    • For Clang Format, you can use a predefined style, by selecting the Use predefined style radio button, and then selecting the style to use from the list of available styles.

      Select File to load the style configuration from the .clang-format or _clang-format file located in the same directory as the source file or in one of its parent directories.

      To specify a fallback style to use if the style configuration file is not available, use the Fallback style combo box. Select Default to use the default style. Select None to skip formatting.

    • Select the Use customized style option, and then Add to define your own style.

      Define code formatting in the Add Configuration dialog. It provides syntax highlighting, auto-completion, and context-sensitive help. For these features, you must have the tool installed.

  12. Select Tools > Options > Beautifier > Artistic Style, ClangFormat, or Uncrustify > Format Current File to format the currently open file.

    You can create keyboard shortcuts for the functions.

In addition to the Format Current File command, ClangFormat and Uncrustify provide additional commands. ClangFormat provides the Format at Cursor command. If you select it when no text is selected, the syntactic entity under the cursor is formatted. The Disable Formatting for Selected Text command wraps selected lines within // clang-format off and // clang-format on. Uncrustify provides the Format Selected Text command. If you select it when no text is selected, the whole file is formatted by default. To disable this behavior, deselect the Format entire file if no text was selected check box.