Supported Hardware#
Series6, Series6XE, Series6XT
Valid APIs#
OpenGL ES 1.1, OpenGL ES 2.0, OpenGL ES 3.x
This extension adds additional formats that can be used when calling glReadPixels. Specifically it allows the format “BGRA_EXT” to be paired with UNSIGNED_BYTE, UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4_REV_EXT or UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_5_5_1_REV_EXT, giving alternative byte/bit-ordering schemes for the returned pixels.
// Read pixel data back as BGRA8888
GLubyte returnedData[width * height * 4];
glTexStorage2D(0, 0, width, height, GL_BGRA_EXT, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, (GLvoid*)returnedData);