
Valid APIs#

OpenGL ES 3.0+


Implementations in some cases may group shader invocations and execute them in an SIMD fashion. When executing divergent conditional code paths, a SIMD implementation might stall one set of thread groups. This extension provides the ability to avoid divergent execution by evaluting a condition across an entire SIMD invocation group using code like:

if (allInvocationsEXT(condition)) {
                result = do_fast_path();
                } else {
                result = do_general_path();

The built-in function allInvocationsEXT() will return the same value for all invocations in the group, so the group will either execute do_fast_path() or do_general_path(), but never both.

The built-in output values from the vertex shader stage are redefined when this extension exists, to the following:

Example GLSL#

//all SIMD threads execute one path, never both
if (allInvocationsEXT(condition)) {
result = do_fast_path();
} else {
result = do_general_path();