
Functionality to extract and work with the Bounding Boxes of PVRAssets (meshes etc.)


  • PVRAssets/Model.h

  • PVRCore/math/AxisAlignedBox.h

Included By#



Source Code#

#pragma once
#include <PVRAssets/Model.h>
#include <PVRCore/math/AxisAlignedBox.h>
namespace pvr {
namespace assets {
namespace utils {

inline math::AxisAlignedBox getBoundingBox(const char* data, size_t stride_bytes, size_t offset_bytes, size_t size_bytes)
    math::AxisAlignedBox aabb;
    assertion(stride_bytes >= 12 || !stride_bytes);
    assertion(size_bytes >= stride_bytes);
    if (size_bytes && data)
        data = data + offset_bytes;
        glm::vec3 minvec;
        glm::vec3 maxvec;
        memcpy(&minvec, data, 12);
        memcpy(&maxvec, data, 12);

        for (size_t i = stride_bytes; i < size_bytes; i += stride_bytes)
            glm::vec3 vec;
            memcpy(&vec, data + i, 12);
            minvec = glm::min(vec, minvec);
            maxvec = glm::max(vec, maxvec);
        aabb.setMinMax(minvec, maxvec);
        aabb.setMinMax(glm::vec3(0, 0, 0), glm::vec3(0, 0, 0));
    return aabb;

inline math::AxisAlignedBox getBoundingBox(const Mesh& mesh, const char* positionSemanticName)
    const Mesh::VertexAttributeData* vbo = mesh.getVertexAttributeByName(positionSemanticName);
    if (vbo)
        return getBoundingBox(static_cast<const char*>(mesh.getData(vbo->getDataIndex())), mesh.getStride(vbo->getDataIndex()), vbo->getOffset(), mesh.getDataSize(vbo->getDataIndex()));
    return math::AxisAlignedBox();

inline math::AxisAlignedBox getBoundingBox(const Mesh& mesh) { return getBoundingBox(mesh, "POSITION"); }

inline math::AxisAlignedBox getBoundingBox(const Model& model)
    if (model.getNumMeshes())
        math::AxisAlignedBox retval(getBoundingBox(model.getMesh(0)));
        for (uint32_t i = 1; i < model.getNumMeshes(); ++i) { retval.mergeBox(getBoundingBox(model.getMesh(i))); }
        return retval;
        return math::AxisAlignedBox();

} // namespace utils
} // namespace assets
} // namespace pvr