
Implementation of a special kind of map that stores the data in a linear, contiguous store (std::vector interface), but additionally contains an Index to them (std::map interface). Supports custom association of names with values, and retrieval of indices by name or values by index.

Detailed Description#

PowerVR by Imagination, Developer Technology Team.

Copyright (c) Imagination Technologies Limited.


  • algorithm

  • list

  • map

  • vector

Included By#



Source Code#

#pragma once
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <list>
#include <algorithm>
namespace pvr {
template<typename ValueType_, typename IndexType_ = std::string>
class IndexedArray
    struct DictionaryEntry
        ValueType_ value;
        IndexType_ key;
        DictionaryEntry() {}
        DictionaryEntry(const IndexType_& key, const ValueType_& value) : key(key), value(value) {}
    struct StorageItem_ : DictionaryEntry
        bool isUnused;
        StorageItem_() : isUnused(false) {}
        StorageItem_(const IndexType_& key, const ValueType_& value) : DictionaryEntry(key, value), isUnused(false) {}

    typedef std::vector<StorageItem_> vectortype_;
    typedef typename std::map<IndexType_, size_t> maptype_;
    typedef std::list<size_t> deleteditemlisttype_;

    vectortype_ mystorage;
    maptype_ myindex;
    deleteditemlisttype_ myDeletedItems;

    class iterator
        friend class IndexedArray<ValueType_, IndexType_>;
        class const_iterator;
        StorageItem_* start;
        size_t current;
        size_t size; // required for out-of-bounds checks when skipping empty...
        iterator(StorageItem_* start, size_t size, size_t current = 0) : start(start), current(current), size(size) {}

        iterator(const const_iterator& rhs) : start(rhs.start), size(rhs.size), current(rhs.current) {}

        DictionaryEntry& operator*() { return *(start + current); }

        DictionaryEntry* operator->() { return (start + current); }

        size_t getItemIndex() { return current; }

        iterator& operator++()
            while ((start + (++current))->isUnused && current != size) {} // skip empty values
            return *this;

        iterator operator++(int)
            iterator ret = *this;
            while ((start + (++current))->isUnused && current != size) {} // skip empty values
            return ret;

        iterator& operator--()
            while ((start + (--current))->isUnused && current != static_cast<size_t>(-1)) {} // CAREFUL! this is a size_t, which means it WILL eventually overflow.
            return *this;

        iterator operator--(int)
            iterator ret = *this;
            return ret;

        bool operator!=(const iterator& rhs) { return this->current != rhs.current; }

        bool operator==(const iterator& rhs) { return !((*this) != rhs); }
    class const_iterator
        friend class IndexedArray<ValueType_, IndexType_>;
        const StorageItem_* start;
        size_t current;
        size_t size; // required for out-of-bounds checks when skipping empty...
        const_iterator(const StorageItem_* start, size_t size, size_t current = 0) : start(start), size(size), current(current) {}

        const DictionaryEntry& operator*() { return *(start + current); }
        const DictionaryEntry* operator->() { return (start + current); }
        size_t getItemIndex() { return current; }
        const_iterator& operator++()
            while (++current < size && (start + current)->isUnused) {} // skip empty values
            return *this;

        const_iterator operator++(int)
            const_iterator ret = *this;
            return ret;
        const_iterator& operator--()
            while (--current != static_cast<size_t>(-1) && (start + current)->isUnused) {} // CAREFUL! this is a size_t, which means it WILL eventually overflow.
            return *this;

        const_iterator operator--(int)
            iterator ret = *this;
            return ret;

        bool operator!=(const const_iterator& rhs) { return this->current != rhs.current; }

        bool operator==(const const_iterator& rhs) { return !((*this) != rhs); }
    typedef typename maptype_::iterator index_iterator;

    typedef typename maptype_::const_iterator const_index_iterator;

    iterator begin()
        if (!mystorage.empty())
            iterator ret(&mystorage.front(), mystorage.size());
            while ((ret.start + ret.current)->isUnused && (ret.current != ret.size)) { ++ret.current; } // skip empty values
            return ret;
            return iterator(NULL, 0);

    const_iterator begin() const
        if (!mystorage.empty())
            const_iterator ret(&mystorage.front(), mystorage.size());
            while ((ret.start + ret.current)->isUnused && ret.current != ret.size) { ++ret.current; } // skip empty values
            return ret;
            return const_iterator(NULL, 0);

    typename maptype_::iterator indexed_find(const IndexType_& key) { return myindex.find(key); }

    typename maptype_::const_iterator indexed_find(const IndexType_& key) const { return myindex.find(key); }

    typename maptype_::iterator indexed_begin() { return myindex.begin(); }
    typename maptype_::const_iterator indexed_begin() const { return myindex.begin(); }

    typename maptype_::iterator indexed_end() { return myindex.end(); }

    typename maptype_::const_iterator indexed_end() const { return myindex.end(); }

    iterator end() { return mystorage.empty() ? iterator(NULL, 0) : iterator(&mystorage.front(), mystorage.size(), mystorage.size()); }

    const_iterator end() const { return mystorage.empty() ? const_iterator(NULL, 0) : const_iterator(&mystorage.front(), mystorage.size(), mystorage.size()); }

    void insertAt(size_t where, const IndexType_& key, const ValueType_& val)
        if (insert(key, val) != where) { relocate(key, where); }

    size_t insert(const IndexType_& key, const ValueType_& val)
        std::pair<typename maptype_::iterator, bool> found = myindex.insert(std::make_pair(key, 0));
        if (!found.second) // Element already existed!
        { mystorage[found.first->second].value = val; } else
            found.first->second = insertinvector(key, val);
        return found.first->second;

    size_t getIndex(const IndexType_& key) const
        typename maptype_::const_iterator found = myindex.find(key);
        if (found != myindex.end()) // Element already existed!
        { return found->second; } return static_cast<size_t>(-1);

    void erase(const IndexType_& key)
        typename maptype_::iterator where = myindex.find(key);
        if (where != myindex.end())

            // SPECIAL CASE: If no more items are left, there is absolutely no point in NOT compacting, as no iterators or indices exist to be invalidated, so we can clean up
            // even though "deferred" was asked. Additionally, this is essentially free, except maybe for the list...
            if (myindex.empty())

    ValueType_& operator[](size_t idx) { return mystorage[idx].value; }
    const ValueType_& operator[](size_t idx) const { return mystorage[idx].value; }

    ValueType_& operator[](const IndexType_& key) { return mystorage[myindex.find(key)->second].value; }

    const ValueType_& operator[](const IndexType_& key) const { return mystorage[myindex.find(key)->second].value; }

    void compact()
        // We can do that because the last remove() tears down all datastructures used.
        if (!myindex.size()) { return; }
        // First, make sure there is something to compact...
        deleteditemlisttype_::iterator unused_spot = myDeletedItems.begin();
        while (myDeletedItems.size() && unused_spot != myDeletedItems.end())
            // Last item in the storage vector.
            size_t last = mystorage.size();

            // 1) Trim the end of the vector...
            while (last-- && mystorage[last].isUnused)
                // Rinse, repeat. If size is zero, there is nothing to do.

            // Either the storage is empty
            if (mystorage.empty())
                // the rest should already be cleared...
                // the loop will exit naturally
            else // Or we can have find its last item!
                // 2)Trim any items from the end of the unused spots list that may have been trimmed off by the vector...
                while (unused_spot != myDeletedItems.end() && *unused_spot >= last) { myDeletedItems.erase(unused_spot++); }
                // Any spots left?
                if (unused_spot != myDeletedItems.end())
                    // Do the actual data movement. After all we've been through, we know that
                    // i. The last item of the vector is a valid item (guaranteed by 1)
                    // ii. The unused spot is not out of bounds of the vector
                    // iii.
                    // Copy by hand(as we have not defined a move assignment operator for compatibility reasons.
                    // Also, since the std::string does not throw, this makes easier to reason about exceptions.

                    mystorage[*unused_spot].value = std::move(mystorage[last].value);
                    mystorage[*unused_spot].key = std::move(mystorage[last].key);

                    mystorage[*unused_spot].isUnused = false;
                    myindex[mystorage[*unused_spot].key] = *unused_spot;
                } // else : No action needed - unused spots has been trimmed off completely, so no movement is possible, or necessary...

    void clear()

    size_t size() const { return myindex.size(); }

    size_t sizeWithDeleted() const { return mystorage.size(); }

    size_t capacity() const { return mystorage.size(); }

    size_t deletedItemsCount() const { return myDeletedItems.size(); }

    bool relocate(const IndexType_& key, size_t index)
        typename maptype_::iterator found = myindex.find(key);
        if (found == myindex.end()) { return false; }
        size_t old_index = myindex[key];
        if (index == old_index) { return true; } // No-op
        if (index + 1 > mystorage.size()) // Storage not big enough.
            // Grow, and mark unused all required items. Need to add all spots (But the last) to unusedspots.
            size_t oldsize = mystorage.size();
            mystorage.resize(index + 1);
            for (size_t i = oldsize; i < index; ++i)
                mystorage[i].isUnused = 1;
            mystorage.back() = mystorage[old_index];
        else if (mystorage[index].isUnused) // Lucky! Storage is big enough, and the item is not used!
            deleteditemlisttype_::iterator place = std::find(myDeletedItems.begin(), myDeletedItems.end(), index);
            assert(place != myDeletedItems.end()); // Shouldn't happen! Ever!
            mystorage[index] = mystorage[old_index];
        else // Whoops! Space is already occupied. Swap with the old item!
            myindex[mystorage[index].key] = old_index;
            std::swap(mystorage[index], mystorage[old_index]);
        myindex[key] = index;
        return true;

    size_t insertinvector(const IndexType_& key, const ValueType_& val)
        size_t retval;
        if (myDeletedItems.empty())
            retval = mystorage.size();
            mystorage.back().isUnused = false;
            mystorage.back().key = key;
            mystorage.back().value = val;
            retval = myDeletedItems.back();
            mystorage[retval].value = val;
            mystorage[retval].key = key;
            mystorage[retval].isUnused = false;
        return retval;
    void removefromvector(size_t index)
        if (index == (mystorage.size() - 1))
            // Removing the last item from the vector -- just pop it.
            // NOT the last item, so we just destruct it (to free any potential expensive resources),
            // and then default-construct it (to have the spot destructible). We keep the reference to
            // the key as we will need it.
            mystorage[index].isUnused = true;
            new (&mystorage[index].value) ValueType_;
} // namespace pvr