PVRVk Enums#


Enum Documentation#

enum class pvrvk::DataType#

An enumeration that defines data types used throughout the Framework. Commonly used in places where raw data are used to define the types actually contained.


enumerator None#


enumerator Float32#

float 1

enumerator Int32#

Integer 2.

enumerator UInt16#

unsigned short 3

enumerator RGBA#

rgba 4

enumerator ARGB#

argb 5

enumerator D3DCOLOR#

d3d color 6

enumerator UBYTE4#

unsigned 4 char 7

enumerator DEC3N#
enumerator Fixed16_16#
enumerator UInt8#

unsigned char 10

enumerator Int16#

short 11

enumerator Int16Norm#

short normalized 12

enumerator Int8#

char 13

enumerator Int8Norm#

char normalized 14

enumerator UInt8Norm#

unsigned char normalized 15

enumerator UInt16Norm#

unsigned short normalized

enumerator UInt32#

unsigned int

enumerator ABGR#


enumerator Float16#

Half float.

enumerator Custom#


Enum Documentation#

enum class pvrvk::GpuDatatypes : uint64_t#

A (normally hardware-supported) GPU datatype (e.g. vec4 etc.)


enumerator Integer#
enumerator uinteger#
enumerator boolean#
enumerator Float#
enumerator ivec2#
enumerator uvec2#
enumerator bvec2#
enumerator ivec3#
enumerator uvec3#
enumerator bvec3#
enumerator ivec4#
enumerator uvec4#
enumerator bvec4#
enumerator vec2#
enumerator vec3#
enumerator vec4#
enumerator mat2x2#
enumerator mat2x3#
enumerator mat2x4#
enumerator mat3x2#
enumerator mat3x3#
enumerator mat3x4#
enumerator mat4x2#
enumerator mat4x3#
enumerator mat4x4#
enumerator none#
enumerator structure#


Enum Documentation#

enum pvrvk::FrameworkCaps::Enum#

Contains the maximum limitation this framework supports.


enumerator MaxColorAttachments#

Max Color attachment supported by the framebuffer.

enumerator MaxDepthStencilAttachments#

Max depth-stencil attachments supported by the renderpass.

enumerator MaxInputAttachments#

Max input attachment supported by the renderpass.

enumerator MaxResolveAttachments#

Max resolve attachment supported by the renderpass.

enumerator MaxPreserveAttachments#

Max preserve attachment supported by the renderpass.

enumerator MaxDescriptorSets#

Max descriptor sets supported.

enumerator MaxDescriptorSetBindings#

Max descriptor set bindings supported.

enumerator MaxDescriptorDynamicOffsets#

Max descriptor set dynamic offsets supported.

enumerator MaxScissorRegions#

Max scissor regions supported by the pipeline.

enumerator MaxViewportRegions#

Max viewports regions supported by the pipeline.

enumerator MaxScissorViewports#

Max scissor-viewports supported by the pipeline.

enumerator MaxSpecialisationInfos#

Max specialisation infos suported by the pipeline.

enumerator MaxSpecialisationInfoDataSize#

Max specialisation info data size suported by the pipeline.

enumerator MaxVertexAttributes#

Max Vertex attribute supported by the pipeline.

enumerator MaxVertexBindings#

Max Vertex bindings supported by the pipeline.

enumerator MaxSafetyCriticalOfflineSwapchainNumber#

Maximum number of swapchain images when considering Vulkan Safety Critical related code.


Enum Documentation#

enum class pvrvk::GpuDatatypesHelper::VectorWidth#

Two bits, representing the number of vector components (from scalar up to 4)


enumerator Scalar#
enumerator Vec2#
enumerator Vec3#
enumerator Vec4#


Enum Documentation#

enum class pvrvk::GpuDatatypesHelper::BaseType#

A bit representing if a type is basically of integer or floating point format.


enumerator Integer#
enumerator Float#


Enum Documentation#

enum class pvrvk::GpuDatatypesHelper::MatrixColumns#

Three bits, representing the number of matrix columns (from not a matrix to 4)


enumerator OneCol#
enumerator Mat2x#
enumerator Mat3x#
enumerator Mat4x#


Enum Documentation#

enum class pvrvk::GpuDatatypesHelper::Bits : uint64_t#

Contains bit enums for the expressiveness of the GpuDatatypes class’ definition.


enumerator Integer#
enumerator Float#
enumerator BitScalar#
enumerator BitVec2#
enumerator BitVec3#
enumerator BitVec4#
enumerator BitOneCol#
enumerator BitMat2x#
enumerator BitMat3x#
enumerator BitMat4x#
enumerator ShiftType#
enumerator MaskType#
enumerator NotMaskType#
enumerator ShiftVec#
enumerator MaskVec#
enumerator NotMaskVec#
enumerator ShiftCols#
enumerator MaskCols#
enumerator NotMaskCols#